Awareness seminar to support women in the labor market



Throughout our project „ I will get better! The opportunity for women in the Zlín region to be successful in highly paid job fields“ we have planned to implement a number of educational activities as well as introduce successful women. These plans were affected by the COVID-19 epidemic and the consequent restrictions on gathering, but in a short break in September 2020 we managed to hold a small awareness-raising seminar in which a woman who achieved a prominent position at IBM shared her experience.

She is currently in the position of a Team Leader and is in charge of an all-male team. She spoke about working in the technical field and working with men. To make it more up to the project, the seminar took place in VH Konstrukce – developer and construction company, which again might be seen as another typical male company. We would like to follow up on the seminar with other activities.

Photos from the course - by clicking enlarge photo