An inspiring visit of social workers in Burgh Haamstede


The ladies from the Vážany Home for the elderly have had a very beneficial experience. As part of the KEEP UP project, they recently visited the Dutch seaside town of Burgh Haamstede, where they had the opportunity to meet their colleagues from other partner countries, the Netherlands and Lithuania, share experiences and get to know e-learning, created as part of the project. This will help not only them, but also their colleagues in social services to increase their digital competence.

The most interesting for the ladies was the visit of the new modern retirement home Zierik7 in the nearby town of Zierikzee. They had the opportunity to tour the facilities and were introduced to all the modern technologies used for daily care of the clients. The tour also included a presentation of VR technology called ELDER VR used as a part of the therapy for the clients. They tried the 3D glasses and shared their feelings with us.

We took away a lot of knowledge and experience and established new relationships that could hopefully result in further cooperation in the future.

Photos from the meeting - by clicking enlarge photo