Royal Chance II

  Realisation: 2019-2021

After a successful realisation of project Royal Chance awe are again preparing abroad internships for unemployed youth. Project offers a unique chance to aquire job experience abroad, to improve your English and raise your opportunities on the labour market. Eight weeks long internships will again take place in London.

Candidates have to be unemployed and with maximum high school education degree. The age limit is 18-30 years old. There is no restricted length of unemployment for people with elementary eduaction, highschool educated candidates have to be at least 1 year in the job office evidence.
Before the intership itself, there are meetings with all candidates and practical preparations. We organize intensive English courses and workshops.The selection of a working place is discussed with job advisor. The candidates leave to England with a guide and there is a Czech speaking mentor available for the duration of stay. Apart from abroad workplacement, we also provide the candidates with accommodation, journey, social programme, English courses with native speaker, etc. All expenses are covered by the budget of the project.
The preparations for the first group begin in September 2019, the departure is planned in January 2020. The selection of candidates hasn't been closed yet.

This project is co-financed by European Union.

Download the project leaflet.

02.10.2021 Invitation to a webinar on Transnational Mobility on October 8

Welcome to a webinar on Transnational Mobility for young individuals not in education, employment, or training – Experiences from three European countries,organised by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.

In this English speaking webinar, which is a cooperation between the flagship School to Work and the Swedish ESF funded project Moves, you will learn more about the experiences from three different European countries working with mobility. What has been successful, challenging and how has the pandemic affected their work?

Time and date: October 8, 13:00 – 14:40 (CET)

Registration: Please click here to register for the webinar.

Last day of registration:: 6.10.2021 The link to the webinar will be sent to everyone who has registered.

Agenda: please see attached.

02.07.2021 We have successfully completed the Royal Chance II. project

In the last two years we have supported a total of sixteen participants of the Royal Chance II Project that attended the two months internship abroad. Everyone agrees that this experience was very beneficial, helped to organize their thoughts and move on with their lives.

The last group of four returned from the Dutch town of Burgh - Haamstede. Two young men worked in a local hotel, as well as two young ladies who also had a chance to take photos of the hotel and its surroundings for the commercial purposes of the hotel and so could use the experience from studying the high school.

In addition to work duties, our participants also had a number of free -time activities and trips, such as trying horseback riding, playing golf, going on a trip to Amsterdam and Rotterdam and many more.

We are proud that, despite the covid restrictions, that were following us through the whole project and all three groups of interns, we´ve managed to successfully complete the project and fulfill everything we promised.

Photos from the intership - by clicking enlarge photo

30.03.2021 The last group of trainees left for Netherlands

Although it is unbelievable nowadays, we managed to prepare the last group of young people who went on an internship to the Netherlands. We were forced to change the destination from English London to Dutch Burgh Haamstede. Surprisingly, the coronavirus was not the reason this time, was it the new regulations related to Brexit, which did not allow the necessary Visas for the internship to be processed quickly.

Stážisté nicméně na změnu reagovali optimisticky a poctivě se připravovali na odjezd. Vlivem koronavirové situace probíhala většina aktivit online (lekce angličtiny, multikulturní trénink atd.).

On March, 27th, they all in the number of 4, flew to the Netherlands, where they will work in the hotel complex Grand Ter Duin and in the office of counselling organization ProWork. According to the first reports, the trip, including all COVID-19 tests, went smoothly and the trainees are excited about the first days in the new environment.

Photos from the intership - by clicking enlarge photo

28.12.2020 Despite the difficult covid conditions, we keep going on!

Four participants of the Royal Chance II project have returned from the second internship in London in recent days.

They bravely set out for England in mid-October, despite the coronavirus situation. After arriving in the UK, the interns had to go to compulsory quarantine for the first two weeks, which they survived in the town of Broadstairs near the coast and moved to London, where, however, they declared a national quarantine a few days later.
Two participants were meant to be working in the art studio Studio101 London, where the internship was carried out as the studio maintained limited operations. Two girls were supposed to work in the Czechoslovak restaurant Bohemia House, which, however, had to close down completely. We managed to arrange for them a replacement internship in the administration.
In the last week, restrictions in the UK have been relaxed, allowing interns to take the opportunity to see the sights, museums and other attractions that London has to offer. Although their work experience was influenced by the current world situation, the interns returned satisfied, full of new experiences. The last group of four should go to London in the spring of 2021.

Photos from preparation for the internship - by clicking enlarge photo

12.10.2020 The second group is about to start their adventurous journey

In difficult circumstances, a second group of young people has been preparing to go on an internship to London. There are three girls and one young man in the group, all of whom are struggling to gain the necessary qualifications and to enter the labour market. Their chances of working satisfactorily will be enhanced by the professional internship they will attend in the UK from 16.10.2020 to 12.12.2020.

Preparations were complicated this time by measures against COVID-19 disease, so face-to-face meetings were limited, many activities were held online.
Participants will also need to be quarantined for 14 days after they arrive in the UK.
Unlike the previous group, they are required to have greater autonomy, e.g. they do not travel to London accompanied by a coordinator. Socio-cultural activities in London are also marked by a number of restrictions. However, we believe that they will manage the internship well and will return from London not only with new experience, but also with a good feeling and a well-deserved self-confidence that will help them find a job.

Photos from the intership- by clicking enlarge photo

21.04.2020 The first group of participants of the Royal Chance II. project has successfully completed an internship

The first group of participants of the Royal Chance II. project returned from an eight-week internship in mid-March. Although their return was complicated by the coronavirus pandemic and the end of the internship became more adventurous than usual, they all got home on schedule and safely. They brought a lot of new experiences and skills that will surely help them in their future job as well as in personal life.

We tried to find the participants a job that they would enjoy. In the first group, interns worked, for example, in the kitchen of a renowned restaurant, in offices, as assistants in a pre- school, in a photo studio and in many other interesting professions. Thanks to the contacts we have in London, we have always managed to find the participants their dream job.
We are currently working with a second group of interns online because of the current situation. We will try to send another group to London as soon as possible.

Photos from the intership - by clicking enlarge photo

11.01.2020 Meeting Mr. Andrew Hadley in Kroměříž

Kromeriz hosted the meeting of Mr. Andrew Hadley, the representative of our London cooperative organisation CILL (Centre for International Learning and Leadership) and our project participants

Mr. Hadley came to see the first group of participants of the Royal Chance II project before they´ll leave for their London internship experience. The meeting took place in a pleasant atmosphere, with participants talking about their plans in London and also plans after returning back home.
Mr. Hadley did his best to prepare participants for the pitfalls, but especially the opportunities that a work internship would bring them. In the afternoon section, our participants gave a tourguide of Kromeriz to Mr. Hadley, showing and telling him about the most interesting places and history of our beatuiful town. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the City hall, two ladies with experience in supporting young people in their career choices, as well as gaining experience abroad. Everyone was pleased with the contribution of a successful London intern graduate from our previous project Royal Chance, a young lady who even carried out her internship in Mr. Hadley's office and, after returning from her internship, found a job where she is successful. Mr.Hadley concluded that the participants are well prepare to go to London and have every precondition to successfully complete their internship and gain maximum positive experience from it.

Photos from the meeting - by clicking enlarge photo